COVID-19 situation update worldwide, as of 8 November 2020
Since 31 December 2019 and as of 08 November 2020, 49 945 364 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries) have been reported, including 1 250 275 deaths.
Cases have been reported from:
Africa: 1 871 007 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are South Africa (735 906), Morocco (252 185), Egypt (108 962), Ethiopia (99 201) and Tunisia (69 543).
Asia: 14 157 654 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are India (8 507 754), Iran (673 250), Iraq (496 019), Indonesia (433 836) and Bangladesh (418 764).
America: 21 737 147 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are United States (9 860 958), Brazil (5 590 025), Argentina (1 236 838), Colombia (1 136 447) and Mexico (961 938).
Europe: 12 133 701 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Russia (1 753 836), France (1 748 705), Spain (1 328 832), United Kingdom (1 171 441) and Italy (902 490).
Oceania: 45 159 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Australia (27 652), French Polynesia (9 995), Guam (5 113), New Zealand (1 626) and Papua New Guinea (597).
Other: 696 cases have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan.
Deaths have been reported from:
Africa: 44 851 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are South Africa (19 789), Egypt (6 355), Morocco (4 197), Algeria (2 036) and Tunisia (1 794).
Asia: 251 481 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are India (126 121), Iran (37 832), Indonesia (14 540), Iraq (11 283) and Turkey (10 803).
America: 659 135 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United States (237 113), Brazil (161 106), Mexico (94 808), Peru (34 840) and Argentina (33 348).
Europe: 293 730 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United Kingdom (48 888), Italy (41 063), France (40 169), Spain (38 833) and Russia (30 251).
Oceania: 1 071 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are Australia (907), Guam (89), French Polynesia (39), New Zealand (25) and Papua New Guinea (7).
Other: 7 deaths have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan.
*United Kingdom: from 3 October 2020, due to a technical issue, COVID-19 cases from 24 September to 1 October will be reported by British authorities in the coming days.
On 2 October 2020, authorities in Ireland retrocorrected the total number of COVID-19 deaths leading to a negative value for the deaths reported on 3 October 2020.
On 10 September 2020, Jersey reclassified nine cases as old infections resulting in negative cases reported on 11 September 2020.
As of 7 September 2020, there is a negative number of cumulative cases in Ecuador due to the removal of cases detected from rapid tests. In addition, the total number of reported COVID-19 deaths has shifted to include both probable and confirmed deaths, which lead to a steep increase on the 7 September.
From end of August 2020, Swedish authorities are performing daily data consolidation leading to data retro-corrections. From week 38, the Swedish Public Health Agency will update COVID-19 daily data four times per week on Tuesday–Friday. Hence, the cumulative figures and related outputs include cases and deaths from the previous 14 days with available data at the time of data collection.